Hot Fuzz Opening Analysis

The first shot of “Hot Fuzz” is of Nicholas Angel walking towards the camera. He is centered so that our focus is on him showing he is the most important character in this scene. The doors also open for him even though he is far away as if they anticipate his arrival. We yet don't know who he is because there is a bright light from behind him making him a silhouette, not only does this light make him more of a mysterious man is also makes him seem an angel because the light has resemblances to a halo. Not only does he walk towards the camera the camera also zooms on him emphasizing that he is the most important here. He also walks straight and directly forward showing he is a man that knows what he wants. We could also suggest he is determined because he is the only one in a large what seems entrance, this could be telling us that its a day that not many people work and he has chosen of his own accord to com in.

The sound of this part of the film is cold and clean the only sound made is of his footsteps getting louder and louder as he walks towards the camera, creating the assumption that he has authority and backs up my previous thought that he is alone in this entrance. 
At the end of the first shot is a close up of his face, we see that he has a stern face, projecting the thought that he doesn't want any hassle. 

There is then a close up of his police id card, this is when we first see that his name is Nicholas Angel, Angel has connotations with good but then Nicholas can be shortened to Nick and that has connotations of bad and the police. Put together both these names contradict each other. This can tell us that maybe as a person Nicholas Angel has duel personalities (maybe a good and a bad side). The picture on his id is the same as his face which could offer the thought he is always in a state of angriness and always on duty.

The next scene is of him walking again but the camera is looking straight ahead at his feet this time, it then changes to a camera looking up at him, this shows and suggest he is more important than the rest of them. He also has the stern look on his face from the previous scene. In this scene he is also surrounded  by vertical bars which have an association with jail.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent stuff Tibbles. Really detailed in places and you expand on your initial points to great effect. My only target would be for you to add in some screen grabs from the film to further illustrate your points.
