Moon - Audience

Before people even got to watch the film a large proportion of its potential audience was knocked out, this was because the film was certificated a 15 (doing this it also made the film not a 5 quadrant one). Using the genre of Sci-Fi it took out a further lot of the potential audience, these being mainly women as the Sci-Fi area is seen more of a mans cup of tea.

Sam Rockwell (Sam Bell) is not a famous person within the movie bizz, this meant that people didn't primarily go to see him, this may have been different if the films main character was someone like Brad Pitt. It does however have Kevin Spacey as the voice of Gerty and this may have brought in some of the final viewers.

The budget also let the film down in two other areas, firstly he could afford to properly advertise the film, the only way people got wind of it was him talking at Sci-Fi functions and then relying on word of mouth to spread the word. however he did do a talk at NASA about how believable the film was and this may have attracted the American viewers (he also used American Phrases such as 'God bless america'). He also couldn't afford decent special effects and the biggest cost of special effects (and the highest costing scene in the film) was when he was playing table tennis with himself and the scene lasted only about 5 seconds, all the other time he used a double.

He does use references to other films including '2001 A Space Odyssey' with the line from Gerty 'Im sorry Sam i can't let you do that'. Other references come in the song and at the start him wearing a t-shirt saying 'Wake me up when it's time to quit'.

1 comment:

  1. FOUR QUADRANT TIBBLES! (theres a clue in the word quadrant, quad meaning four and a quadRANT is a sector equal to one quarter).

    Try and adopt a slightly more formal tone when writing, at the moment your work is quite chatty which means any points you make get lost occasionally.

    Try to tube chop sections or include images from the film to help better illustrate your points.
