
This film was created by Duncan Jones and stars Sam Rockwell and Kevin Spacey (he was only as the voice for the robot "Gerty") he also was only on set for half a day and yet still got the highest pay. The actor Sam Rockwell was originally wanted by Duncan Jones but Sam felt it wasn't for him but still wanted to work on a film with/for Duncan so they went away and Duncan came back with the script for Moon.

Moon only had a budget of $5,000,000 and to cut costs Duncan had such a small cast as well as being filmed in only 33 days. including in the small price Duncan chose to use actors instead of digitised images as they were cheaper to use. Bill Pearson created a  360-degree set of the moon. Even in the editing phase he cut corners by using companies such as Cinesite which is notorious for their cheeper costs for its independent films. Finally they kept costs down by not sending any reales to the OSCAR committee (so its difficult to tell how well the professional world though of it).

All in all the film took  $9,747,108 worldwide and the UK took almost a 5th of that. Even though it seems the film made a $4.5 million profit, Jones is still trying to pay of his debts. this is because he had to borrow allot of money from different places and with interest it mounts up.

1 comment:

  1. This is better work Harry. It still requires more detail though. Think back to all we learnt about how effects were created and how they kept costs down by using body doubles etc.
