Shynola - Making A Film

They stopped work on their other projects such as the music video and adverts and used the money in their company account in order to fund their script writing. But they were writing a script based on a book so they also needed to  buy the rights of the book which would of used a considerable amount of the saved money. he also goes onto to say that ' it is completely unsolicited' and he doesnt know if this is na otherdox appoach to film making.

in December it is their plan to start sending out their finished script so that bvy January they can tweek it, where they will then have their final script they would send out to a short list.

'Firstly this will be our two production companies, here and in the US, who have affiliations with Ridley Scott's and Francis Ford Coppola's film production companies. We also know the main chap at Warp films, though it is very debateable that they could summon the required funds to make it. We also have a few contacts in America, and I imagine we will start to consider US agents to represent us in Hollywood. The film is set in London, and would hopefully remain so. So personally, I imagine that we'll end up getting money from France, say Canal+, somehow' - how they plan to get the money

they did find some problems and that the film was on hold because the book they based the film around was complex and in trying to dumb down the script wasnt good enough as this was still complex. and because by this point they had ran out of money Shynola as a company had to start working again where they made an opening sequence to Scott Pilgrim V The World and a Nokia Advert not to mention the Intel advert which in Shynolas words would replenish 'their fat levels'

but they are still thinking about making the film and have taken the idea aboard about making a short film using an extract from the book which is not in the final film as a calling card for the future.

As of the last contact they havent found any of the money but they have found someone that will try and get them the money so the film so far is back on.

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